Professor Rolf Lidskog

Örebro University
Pronouns: he/his

© Pavel Koubek
Rolf Lidskog
Current Fellow
© Pavel Koubek


Rolf Lidskog is a Professor of Sociology at Örebro University. His main research areas are environmental sociology, risk sociology and science and technology studies. He is currently investigating the epistemic and social conditions of expertise and the role of expertise in international environmental governance. His latest book is Environmental Sociology and Social Transformation (Routledge, 2024, co-authored with Magnus Boström).

Contribution to SOCRATES

Rolf Lidskog will spend his time at SOCRATES working on the epistemic and normative issue of what kind of expertise is needed to guide the work for transformative change. Of particular interest is the role of social science in this, and what kind of policy advice it develops. During his stay, he plans to write a paper on the production of expertise for transformative change.