Dr Rawad El Skaf

Leibniz  University Hannover

© Rawad El Skaf
Rawad El Skaf
Current Fellow
Lange Laube 32
30159 Hannover
© Rawad El Skaf
Rawad El Skaf
Current Fellow
Lange Laube 32
30159 Hannover


After spending three years as assistant professor at Politecnico di Milano, Rawad El Skaf will continue researching different tools used in climate change sciences and decision-making as a senior fellow at SOCRATES. He is currently writing a book on the IPCC's SSP-RCP Scenario Framework, under contract with Synthese Library. Rawad’s work draws on philosophy of science in practice, integrated history and philosophy of science, philosophy of scientific tools, surrogative reasoning, philosophy of imagination, philosophy of economics and feminist epistemologies.

Contribution to SOCRATES

Rawad El Skaf’s research at SOCRATES will focus on climate change scenarios. He will analyse how mitigation scenarios are explored by the scientific community and later presented as plausible options to policymakers via the IPCC. In particular, he will investigate how these options are selected, what options are left out, what non-epistemic values are at play in this selection process and how does this latter affect trust in science.